The Great Blue Hole
Enamel on canvas
80 x 60 cm
The Great Blue Hole is an abstract landscape depicting a sea cave in the center of the Lighthouse Reef off the coast of Belize in the Caribbean Sea. This place is a physical proof that nature remains unexplored to this day, and therefore also human nature is a mystery to us. This painting is a pretext to explore the most important issue in my art - the unknown, the unexplored, the voice of the subconscious.
Enamel on canvas
80 x 60 cm
The Great Blue Hole is an abstract landscape depicting a sea cave in the center of the Lighthouse Reef off the coast of Belize in the Caribbean Sea. This place is a physical proof that nature remains unexplored to this day, and therefore also human nature is a mystery to us. This painting is a pretext to explore the most important issue in my art - the unknown, the unexplored, the voice of the subconscious.
Enamel on canvas
80 x 60 cm
The Great Blue Hole is an abstract landscape depicting a sea cave in the center of the Lighthouse Reef off the coast of Belize in the Caribbean Sea. This place is a physical proof that nature remains unexplored to this day, and therefore also human nature is a mystery to us. This painting is a pretext to explore the most important issue in my art - the unknown, the unexplored, the voice of the subconscious.
Great Blue Hole to abstrakcyjny pejzaż przedstawiający jaskinię morską w centrum Lighthouse Reef u wybrzeży Belize, na Morzu Karaibskim. Miejsce to jest fizycznym dowodem na to, że natura pozostaje do dziś niezbadana, co za tym idzie również natura ludzka jest dla nas tajemnicą. Ten obraz to pretekst ku eksploracji najważniejszego zagadnienia w mojej sztuce – tego,co nieznane, niezbadane, głosu podświadomości.
Original, hand-painted painting
Painted edges, no need for framing